UA Class of 1995
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Monday, July 25, 2005
It's A Boy!
Thanks Courtney for letting us know that Harley and his wife, Michelle, became parents of a new baby boy. Harley Robert Thomas Sharp was born on July 24, weighing 7lbs. 10 oz. Congrats! Be sure to send pictures!
Help Save UA!
Nick posted this as a comment earlier today, but I thought that it was important enough to make a featured post.
"From talking to the remaining faculty from last year (over 13 faculty members left UA including me) things are a bit crazy there. I don't know if anyone read about principal Flamini leaving last week in the State Journal Register, but all the faculty agreed he was a dream come true for UA and everyone was sad to see him go.
Anyway, to make a long story short, things are not going well at UA. Only 175 students are registered for this coming school year - the lowest ever. Some of those 175 have not paid for anything.
Sarah Jones graduated in 1997-98. She works in the office at UA and when the sisters were there, she tried getting the old building on the national historical registers list so that no one can tear it down in the future. For some odd reason, the sisters refused.
Since the sisters are not there anymore, to get the old building on the national historical register, you have to talk to the current owners, the heads of SCI.
Sarah has everything ready and the next time I talk to her, I am going to try and propose that we give all the needed documentation to the heads of SCI and push that they sign everything so that the old building would be on the national register's list.
Could you imagine Ursula Hall being torn down? The chapel? I think that we can all agree that it would be horrible if such a thing occurred. I was wondering, if we face refusal from the heads of SCI, if anyone from our class would sign a petition in support of putting the old building on the national historical register's list. What does everybody think?"
Thanks for the info, Nick! I think that there are a lot of alumni who would also be devastated to see UA destroyed and would do anything that they could to save it. The petition isn't a bad idea. Please keep us posted.
(If you are going to post a comment to this topic, please use the "comment" button that goes with this post. Thanks!)
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Friday, July 22, 2005
Bring 'Em On !!
I've received some e-mails from people who said that they had some pictures from the reunion and wondered how to get them on the website. I'm the moderator for the site so just e-mail them to me at and I'll post them as soon as I receive them. Just include any information that you want to be posted along with them. Also if you don't have pics, but have news you want to share with the class, just send it my way and I'll make a post out of it. I can't wait to get the site up and running! Have a great weekend!
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Hey! Class of 1995!!

Hello friends!
I apologize for taking so long to get this up and running...convieniently, right after the reunion, my computer decided to turn itself into nothing more than a paperweight. I think that I have the kinks all worked out and pics will be up soon enough. Until then, feel free to comment on anything you'd like. Share news that you'd like everyone to know...c'mon all you moms-to-be! If anyone has pics from the reunion, e-mail them to me (Jodi) at and I'll post them on the site immediately! I hope everyone enjoyed the reunion!