Since the reunion last May, we've been able to welcome some new future Sonics into the UA world. Congratulations to all!
Katie and her husband, Brandon, welcomed Oliver Steven on September 26. He was born 6 weeks early, weighing in at 4 lbs, 4 1/2 oz. Katie assures me that he's doing great! She sent some pics of Oliver, but we're still working out the kinks on trying to post them. I'll get them up as soon as I can, I promise!
Megan Hardy (
Hayes) and her husband, Joe, had a baby boy on September 8. Connor Joseph weighed 6 lbs, 14 oz and was 18 inches long. Megan says that life as a parent is great! (see pic below)

Dianne and her husband, John, gave birth to a daughter on August 6. Her name is Olivia. Olivia is living happily with mom, dad, sister Maria (age 11), and big brother Kovin (age 10). Dianne also wanted me to note that her husband is a licensed plumber with Illini Water Systems where he installs water filters and softeners. He's also running his own business doing much of the same. If you need any of his services, call him at JP Plumbing (217-220-0640). Dianne is selling Arbonne products. You can see what it's all about on her website here.
A couple of posts ago I mentioned that Lindsay Adams (Steunkel) and her husband, Jeremy, are expecting and were waiting to learn the sex of their baby. They are having a girl! Hooray!
Congratulations to all new Class of '95 parents!
I know for a fact that we've had some other new class of '95 babies. Feel free to introduce them to everyone here! Just e-mail me the news at